
Talha Olobi
Talha Olobi

An adventuring bad ass and chocobo enthusiast turned fashion icon through the power of World by Windstorm.

Eden Cirrus
Eden Cirrus

Prodigy engineer and super cute nerd. Daughter of Lucille and Vermund Harper, primary stakeholders of World by Windstorm.

Roka Ichiki
Roka Ichiki

Roka “Lightning Cat” Ichiki and “King” Chungis, power duo. Roka was the first person I met at the academy and since then we’ve been fast friends.

Talha Olobi
Nomolun Horo

Master Aesthetician, owner and proprieter of The Doll House, World by Windstorm model, and unrepentant gold digger.

Elanora Tundra
Elanora Tundra

Hellsguard phenom, lover of gold (and therefore all things classy), and World by Windstorm super model.

Jonathan Creed
Jonathan Creed

Storm Captain, Survival Professor, and professional charmer.

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